Hi!Welcome to Star & Star C( ) Store.Do you like sweaters?

Hi!Welcome to Star & Star C( ) Store.Do you like sweaters?

We have good sweaters at a very good p( ).Do you like d( ) sports?We have different styles of sports shoes.For w( ),we have very b( ) dresses and skirts.For m ( ),we have nice suits and ties.We a( ) have schoolbags for school c( ).They are $19 e( ).And there are many other fashionable clothes.Come and have a look for yourself and your f( ).


问答/318℃/2024-05-04 09:53:57


Hi!Welcome to Star & Star C(lothes ) Store.Do you like sweaters?

We have good sweaters at a very good p(rice ).Do you like d(oing ) sports?We have different styles of sports shoes.For w(omen ),we have very b(eautiful ) dresses and skirts.For m (en ),we have nice suits and ties.We a(lso ) have schoolbags for school c(hildren ).They are $19 e(ach ).And there are many other fashionable clothes.Come and have a look for yourself and your f(amily ).



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